Jhalkathi, Jan 19, (V7N) - A special service week aimed at strengthening permanent and long-term family planning programs was held in Kathalia, Jhalkathi, on Saturday, January 18. The event was organized by the Kathalia Upazila Family Planning Office and took place at the Shauljalia Family Planning Clinic.
The program was chaired by Mohammad Dolowar Hossain, the Upazila Family Planning Officer. The event featured speeches from several key figures, including District Consultant (FPCS) Dr. Sourendro Nath Saha, Family Welfare Assistants (FWB) Suraiya Akter, Jhumur Akter, and Farzana Hock Mishu, as well as Office Assistant Mohammad Sohanur Rahman.
In his speech, the Upazila Family Planning Officer emphasized the importance of promoting long-term and permanent family planning methods as part of the government's effort to improve public health and reduce population pressure. The event also aimed to raise awareness about the benefits of permanent birth control methods, such as sterilization.
Following the discussions, 30 couples participated in the family planning initiative, adopting permanent and long-term birth control methods. These efforts are part of ongoing programs to empower families and provide better healthcare services to ensure sustainable population growth.
The special service week is part of a broader national initiative to improve family planning services and increase the adoption of long-term and permanent birth control methods across the country.