Rajshahi, Sep 12 (V7N) - A woman has given birth to five sons at once at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital (RMCH). All five infants, who were delivered through a cesarean section, are reported to be in good health. The extraordinary event occurred at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, September 11, in the hospital’s 22nd maternity and gynecology ward. The news attracted a crowd of relatives from other patients who came to see the newborns.
The mother, Marina Khatun (28), previously had two daughters from two separate births. In this third delivery, she gave birth to five sons simultaneously. Marina is from Shrirampur village in Badalgachi Upazila, Naogaon District. She is married to Abdul Majid, who works in Malaysia. Abdul Majid is currently abroad, having returned to Malaysia for work after a brief stay in Bangladesh about a year ago.
Dr. Nilufa Sharmin from the hospital’s gynecology and maternity department reported that Marina was admitted to the emergency department by her relatives at 11:00 AM on Wednesday. She was then moved to the 22nd ward. Due to her unusual condition, she was quickly transferred to the operating room, where the cesarean section resulted in the birth of five babies. The medical team was astonished by the delivery, marking the first time in the hospital's history that five babies have been born simultaneously. All the newborns are reported to be healthy.