President Volodymyr Zelensky expressed unwavering determination on Saturday as Ukraine commemorated the third anniversary of the conflict with Russia. Speaking at an outdoor ceremony in Kyiv, Zelensky pledged victory for Ukraine in the ongoing war.

Addressing the crowd, Zelensky emphasized the resilience of Ukraine over the past 730 days of conflict and assured that victory would be achieved. He asserted that while the desire for peace is universal, Ukraine would not allow the war to end unless it's on their terms, leading to a just and fair resolution.

Zelensky was joined by several international leaders, including the prime ministers of Canada, Italy, and Belgium, as well as EU Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen. They gathered in Kyiv to mark the second anniversary of Russia's invasion.

During the ceremony at Kyiv's Gostomel airport, which was targeted by Russia during the initial days of the invasion, Zelensky embraced the visiting leaders and presented medals to soldiers. Reflecting on the significance of the location, Zelensky noted the stark contrast between meeting enemy forces two years ago and welcoming allies and partners today.

The event underscored Ukraine's resolve to defend its sovereignty and seek a resolution to the conflict on its own terms. Zelensky's remarks reiterated Ukraine's commitment to securing a just and lasting peace while honoring the sacrifices made by its citizens and armed forces in the ongoing struggle.