The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) has sounded the alarm over a disturbing trend in the Gaza Strip, where the number of children suffering from severe malnutrition has doubled in just one month. This surge in malnutrition cases is attributed to Israeli aggression and ongoing conflict in the region. The news comes amid reports of escalating violence and humanitarian crisis in the area.

According to UNICEF, the situation in Gaza is dire, with many children facing severe malnutrition and lacking the energy even to cry. The agency's Executive Director, Catherine Russell, described her visit to a children's ward in a Gaza hospital, where she witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of malnutrition. She noted that the ward was unusually quiet, as many sick children lacked the strength to cry.

The toll on children in Gaza has been staggering, with more than 13,000 children reported to have died in the last five months alone as a result of Israel's brutal attacks. UNICEF has expressed grave concern over the rising number of casualties among Gaza's children, calling it unprecedented in any conflict worldwide.

The situation is particularly dire in northern Gaza, where one in three children under the age of two is now severely malnourished, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). The agency has highlighted the urgent need for humanitarian assistance to address the worsening crisis in the region.

The escalation of violence in Gaza dates back to October 7 last year, when the Hamas government launched a major military operation in Israel. In response, Israel launched mass killings in Gaza, resulting in tens of thousands of Palestinian casualties, including women and children. The conflict has since escalated, with Israel conducting indiscriminate aerial bombardments and ground operations in Gaza.

Western countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, have faced criticism for their support of Israel's actions in Gaza. Meanwhile, countries such as Bangladesh, China, Russia, and Iran have condemned the ongoing violence and called for an end to the humanitarian crisis in the region.

As the situation in Gaza continues to deteriorate, humanitarian organizations are calling for immediate action to address the urgent needs of the affected population, particularly children who are the most vulnerable victims of the conflict. UNICEF and other agencies are urging the international community to provide critical support and assistance to alleviate the suffering of the people of Gaza.