Amidst ongoing Israeli aggression in the Palestinian Gaza Strip, US President Joe Biden is facing increasing scrutiny and backlash from within his own party. A group of hundreds of Democratic Party donors has expressed deep concern over Biden's unwavering support for Israel's actions, warning of potential electoral consequences in the upcoming US presidential election.

According to a report by Al Jazeera, the donors conveyed their apprehensions to Biden through a letter sent on Monday. The donors, who have been major financial supporters of the Democratic Party, highlighted their unease with Biden's stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, particularly regarding the ongoing aggression in Gaza.

Critics of Biden's policy argue that his strong support for Israel is alienating young and progressive voters within the Democratic Party. Many voters are questioning whether the party's values align with their own beliefs in light of the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The letter underscored the potential risks for the Democratic Party in the upcoming election if voters feel disillusioned and disengaged. Concerns were raised that if supporters choose to abstain from voting or opt for alternative candidates, Biden's reelection prospects could be in jeopardy.

Recent polling data revealed significant disapproval among US voters aged 18 to 34 regarding Biden's handling of the situation in Palestine, with 70 percent expressing dissatisfaction.

The portrayal of civilian casualties in Gaza has further exacerbated discontent among young Democrats and minority voters, posing a potential challenge to the Democratic Party's electoral prospects in 2024.

The rift over Israel policy has also exposed divisions within the Democratic Party itself. Some members have voiced criticism of Biden's unwavering support for Israel's actions, highlighting growing internal dissent.

The letter comes against the backdrop of escalating violence in the Palestinian territories, with Israel continuing its military operations in Gaza. Western countries, including the US, have faced criticism for their support of Israel amid the ongoing conflict.

Meanwhile, countries like Bangladesh, China, Russia, and Iran have condemned the violence in Gaza and called for an independent Palestinian state, underscoring the global ramifications of the conflict.

As tensions persist in the region and concerns over Biden's handling of the crisis mount, the Democratic Party faces a critical juncture in navigating its approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and addressing the growing discontent among its voter base.