Calixet Nzamwita, a 72-year-old citizen of Rwanda, has spent the last 56 years living in isolation, separated from the world by his fear of women. His extraordinary story came to light after a mini-documentary produced by Africa's online TV Afrimax TV shed light on his unique lifestyle.

Calixet's fear of women began at the young age of 16, and since then, he has avoided any contact or interaction with women of any age. Even the sight of a woman from afar sends shivers down his spine, prompting him to retreat into solitude. 

For 56 years, Calixet has lived in a separate house he built himself, surrounded by a high fence to shield himself from the presence of women. He took extreme measures to ensure that no woman could notice him or his dwelling, maintaining a strict barrier between himself and the outside world.

Despite his self-imposed isolation, Calixet has relied on the kindness of his neighbors, who provide him with essential supplies by tossing them over the fence. This act of charity ensures his survival, albeit in solitude.

Calixet's condition is attributed to a rare phobia known as Gynophobia, which causes an irrational fear of women. Remarkably, most of the aid sent to him by his neighbors comes from women who are aware of his condition and respect his need for isolation.

Reflecting on his life, Calixet expressed his deep-seated fear of women, stating that he has left his house only once in the past 56 years. His neighbors, who have witnessed his reclusive lifestyle since childhood, attest to the severity of his phobia, unable to fathom the root cause of his fear.

Calixet's story serves as a poignant reminder of the profound impact of mental health conditions, highlighting the importance of empathy and understanding in addressing the challenges faced by individuals like him.