Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has voiced apprehension about the potential for defeat on the battlefield in the ongoing conflict with Russia due to the absence of US military support. Zelensky expressed his concerns as the US Congress delays the approval of a crucial aid package for Ukraine, raising fears that Russia could seize more territory in the absence of adequate assistance, according to reports from Deutsche Welle.

In a video message directed at the US Congress, Zelensky underscored the critical need for the promised US assistance, emphasizing that Ukraine's survival hinges on the support it has been pledged.

Despite enduring Russian attacks for over two years, Ukraine has managed to resist and maintain control over a significant portion of its territory. However, recent developments indicate a growing risk of further Russian advances, particularly in areas such as Charsiv Yar near the Line of Control. The loss of Charsiv Yar, situated less than 30 kilometers from the strategic city of Kramatarsk, would pose significant challenges for the Ukrainian army, which is already under pressure from ongoing Russian assaults.

The Ukrainian military has reported ongoing Russian attacks in the Charsiv Yar area, with direct assaults targeting nearby towns. Additionally, Russian aggression in the northeast city of Kharkiv has escalated, further exacerbating the situation. Zelensky attributed the intensification of attacks to the lack of adequate air defense equipment, leaving Ukraine vulnerable to aerial assaults.

Meanwhile, Ukraine has increased drone strikes on Russian territory, prompting Russia to claim the interception of multiple drone attacks in the Belgorod and Bryansk regions. Despite occasional successes through targeted strikes, Ukraine has struggled to stem the overall level of Russian aggression.

As the US Congress reconvenes following the Easter recess, the delay in introducing military aid packages for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan remains a concern. While the Senate has approved the aid, the lower house's delay in taking action on the packages underscores the urgency of addressing Ukraine's pressing security needs in the face of ongoing Russian threats.