In a tragic turn of events, three sons and grandchildren of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh were killed in an Israeli airstrike in the Gaza Strip. Despite the devastating loss, Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh has declared that the airstrikes will not deter ongoing talks for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Haniyeh, in a statement issued on Thursday, emphasized that the interests of the Palestinian people remain paramount, transcending personal tragedies. He vehemently denied allegations that his children were affiliated with Hamas, stating unequivocally that they were not fighters for the organization. Moreover, Haniyeh accused Israel of orchestrating the attack to disrupt the ceasefire negotiation process in Gaza.

Addressing concerns that Hamas's position in the ceasefire talks may change following the loss of his sons, Haniyeh dismissed such fears, asserting the group's continued commitment to advancing the discussion. He declared, "If they think that the position of Hamas will change after this attack, then it is their illusion."

Haniyeh further criticized Israel's claims regarding the circumstances of the airstrike, labeling them as baseless and aimed at covering up alleged atrocities. Refuting Israel's narrative, he questioned the logic of taking children to engage in hostile activities, emphasizing that his sons were innocently en route to visit relatives on the day of Eid.

The Hamas leader condemned what he described as Israel's repeated fabrication of false narratives to justify its military actions in Gaza. Despite the personal tragedy he has endured, Haniyeh reaffirmed his unwavering commitment to prioritizing the interests of the Palestinian people, asserting, "For me, the interests of the Palestinians come first, and my children are also part of these Palestinians."

As the Palestinian territories reel from the devastating loss and tensions escalate in the region, Haniyeh's resolute stance underscores the enduring resolve of Hamas to pursue diplomatic avenues for peace and ceasefire negotiations with Israel, despite the immense personal grief he and his family have experienced.