In a recent study on sleep patterns conducted in the United States, Saudi Arabia emerged as the third least sleepy country in the world, according to a report by Gulf News on Tuesday (April 16). The study, which ranked countries based on sleep deprivation, revealed surprising results, with Japan leading the list followed by India.

Dr. Mana Al Shahrani, a prominent sleep medicine consultant at King Fahd Medical City, shed light on the concerning issue of sleep deprivation among Saudis. Highlighting the prevalent problem, Dr. Shahrani emphasized that Saudis typically only get 6 to 7 hours of sleep per night, a duration far below the recommended amount.

During a discussion on Al-Ekhbaria TV, Dr. Shahrani urged Saudis to prioritize resetting their sleeping patterns, particularly after Ramadan. He cautioned against the habit of staying awake for extended periods, noting the detrimental effects such sleep deprivation can have on physical health. Dr. Shahrani stressed the importance of gradually adjusting one's sleep schedule to ensure optimal well-being.