In a bold demonstration of solidarity with Palestine, Google workers staged protests demanding the cancellation of a contentious contract between the tech giant and the Israeli government. Pro-Palestinian activists gathered outside Google's headquarters in New York City on Tuesday, according to reports from the Washington Post.

The focal point of the protests was the cancellation of the controversial agreement known as 'Project Nimbus'. This contract, valued at $1.2 billion, entails Google and Amazon providing advanced technology, including cloud services, to the Israeli military and various government departments.

However, tensions escalated later in the day when police detained several employees at Google offices in New York City and Sunnyvale. The detentions came after one employee was reportedly handed over to the authorities by Google's California office for peacefully protesting against the agreement with Israel.

The protests underscore the growing dissatisfaction among Google workers over the company's involvement in projects perceived to be complicit in human rights violations. As calls for accountability and ethical business practices continue to resonate within the tech industry, the controversy surrounding Project Nimbus highlights the complex intersection of technology, geopolitics, and human rights.