Explosive revelations have emerged regarding North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's purported "Pleasure Squad," with a defector shedding light on the secretive and controversial practice, as reported by the influential British media outlet, The Daily Mirror.

According to defector Yeonmi Park, who escaped from the repressive regime, Kim Jong Un handpicks 25 young women annually to serve in his Pleasure Squad. These women, carefully selected for their beauty and virginity, must also demonstrate unwavering political loyalty to Kim.

Park revealed that she herself was considered for the Pleasure Squad twice, but ultimately not chosen due to her family background. She recounted how Kim's agents meticulously comb through schools, inspecting classrooms and compounds to identify potential candidates.

The process reportedly involves thorough background checks and medical examinations to verify the virginity of the selected girls. Park emphasized that any imperfection or discrepancy would render a candidate ineligible.

Kim's Pleasure Squad allegedly operates in three distinct groups: one responsible for providing massages, another for performing dances and songs, and a third group tasked with engaging in physical intimacy with the ruler himself.

Park asserted that the practice of the Pleasure Squad dates back to the 1970s when Kim Jong Un's father, Kim Jong Il, initiated the tradition. It is believed that Kim Jong Il subscribed to the notion that increased sexual activity would bestow immortality upon him.

The exposure of such practices offers a rare glimpse into the secretive world of North Korea's ruling elite, highlighting the exploitation and subjugation endured by young women in service to the regime's leader.