In a renewed escalation of violence, intense fighting has erupted in the Gaza Strip as Israeli forces target the city of Rafah. Reports from Qatar-based media outlet Al Jazeera indicate that Israel and Hamas are engaged in fierce clashes, with both sides exchanging heavy fire.

Ignoring pressure from both enemies and allies alike, Israeli infantry forces have launched attacks on the densely populated city of Rafah. Tanks have been deployed to shell the area, while Hamas fighters are mounting strong resistance with rocket-mortars and explosive devices. The situation on the ground remains tense, with neither side showing signs of backing down.

Amidst the escalating violence, Israel has intensified its airstrikes in Rafah, further exacerbating the situation. The Palestinian Authority has reported that over 80,000 Palestinians have already fled the city in fear of the ongoing conflict.

Efforts to negotiate a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas have been ongoing, but Prime Minister Netanyahu's announcement of continued attacks on Rafah regardless of any agreement has thrown these efforts into uncertainty. Additionally, US President Joe Biden has issued a warning, stating that the supply of certain weapons to Israel may be halted if it proceeds with its assault on Rafah.

The situation in the Gaza Strip remains volatile, with civilians caught in the crossfire of the conflict. International calls for de-escalation and a return to peace negotiations have grown louder, but the violence shows no signs of abating as both sides continue to exchange fire in the besieged region.