In a devastating turn of events, a passenger bus careened off a bridge in St. Petersburg, Russia, plummeting into the Moika River and resulting in the loss of seven lives, with numerous others sustaining injuries. The harrowing incident unfolded on Friday, sending shockwaves through the city and prompting swift rescue efforts by both bystanders and emergency responders.

Initial reports indicated that the bus, carrying approximately 20 passengers, lost control on the bridge, striking a private car before breaching the railing and submerging in the river below. The chaotic scene was captured on video, showcasing the bus's erratic movements before its fateful plunge.

Pedestrians on the bridge wasted no time in springing into action, leaping into the water to assist those trapped inside the submerged bus. Their courageous efforts were bolstered by the timely arrival of emergency department rescuers, who mobilized boats and ambulances to aid in the rescue operation.

Despite valiant attempts to save lives, the toll of the tragedy stood at seven fatalities, with several others left injured. Gratitude poured in from city officials for the swift and selfless actions of passers-by who risked their own safety to lend a helping hand in the rescue mission.

As investigations into the cause of the accident unfolded, authorities detained the bus driver for questioning. The incident serves as a somber reminder of the importance of road safety measures and the unpredictable nature of accidents on the bustling streets of urban centers.