Pasco Shikishima Corporation, a prominent bread brand in Japan, has initiated a recall of approximately 140,000 bread packets from the market after the discovery of rat remains in some of its products. The company has also pledged to refund customers for the affected packets, as reported by the British news outlet BBC.

The decision to recall the bread came after traces of black rats were found in at least two bread packets. In response, Pasco Shikishima Corporation promptly launched an investigation into the matter to determine how the contamination occurred.

In a statement addressing the incident, the company emphasized that no cases of illness related to the consumption of the affected bread have been reported thus far. The specific product implicated in the recall is the Chozuku bread, renowned for its 'Super Fermented' quality, which boasts a chewy and delectable texture.

Manufactured at a factory located in western Tokyo prefecture, the company assured consumers that stringent measures would be implemented to prevent such incidents in the future. Pasco Shikishima Corporation remains committed to upholding the highest standards of food safety and quality control.