Colombian President Gustavo Petro has sparked controversy by accusing Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of being a "mass murderer" and likening him to Nazi forces amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza. The remarks were reported by The Times of Israel and Al Arabiya News.

In a social media post shared on Sunday (May 12), Petro condemned the Israeli bombing of Gaza, stating that the killing of millions of innocent people is not heroic but amounts to genocide. He went further to draw parallels between Netanyahu's actions and those of Nazi forces, igniting a firestorm of debate and condemnation.

This latest salvo in the war of words between Petro and Netanyahu comes amidst escalating tensions in the region, with international condemnation mounting over the civilian casualties resulting from Israeli airstrikes in Gaza. Petro had previously called for Netanyahu's arrest on charges of genocide in Gaza, underscoring the depth of his criticism towards the Israeli prime minister.

Netanyahu has yet to respond to Petro's comments, but the exchange highlights the divisive nature of the conflict and the impassioned rhetoric it has provoked on the global stage. As the violence continues unabated, calls for a peaceful resolution and an end to the bloodshed grow louder, while political leaders grapple with the complexities of the situation in the Middle East.