A Ukrainian missile attack in Russia's Belgorod region has resulted in the deaths of at least 15 people and multiple injuries after a building collapsed early Monday morning. The Russian Ministry of Emergency Services confirmed the casualties, marking the deadliest attack in the region thus far.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, soldiers intercepted a Soviet-era missile launched by Ukraine on Sunday. However, debris from the missile struck an apartment building during the crash, causing extensive damage.

Reports indicate that weapons used in the attack included Tochka ballistic missiles and multiple Adler and RM-70 Vampire (MLRS) rocket systems. Footage from the scene shows a portion of the 10-storey building collapsed, including the roof, as emergency services work to rescue survivors from the rubble.

In addition to the casualties in Belgorod, four more people were killed and 27 wounded in another attack in Kiev on Sunday, as reported by Belgorod Region Governor Vacheslav Gladkov.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has been briefed on the situation, with Russia condemning the attack as a terrorist act on a residential area. The Russian Foreign Ministry labeled the attack as barbaric, emphasizing that targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure constitutes a criminal act.

Meanwhile, Ukraine has not provided immediate comment on the attack, as it typically refrains from acknowledging attacks carried out inside Russia. The incident underscores escalating tensions between the two nations, further exacerbating the already volatile situation in the region.