North Korea's supreme leader, Kim Jong-un, has issued directives to bolster the country's nuclear program and ramp up arms production. This announcement came on the heels of a ballistic missile test conducted by North Korea on Friday, May 17. Kim Jong-un personally attended the test, and images of his visit were broadcast by the state media outlet, Korean Central Television (KRT), on Saturday.

During his visit, Kim Jong-un inspected a weapons factory and emphasized the need for the military to be prepared to respond to the ongoing military activities by adversaries on the Korean peninsula. This directive highlights North Korea's intention to enhance its defense capabilities amid escalating regional tensions.

The missile test followed joint military exercises by the United States and South Korea, which North Korea frequently condemns as provocations. In response, South Korea reported that Pyongyang had launched several short-range missiles towards its eastern coast a day before North Korea's latest test.

Kim Jong-un's visit to the weapons factory and his orders for increased arms production reflect North Korea's ongoing efforts to advance its military prowess. These developments come amid heightened scrutiny and international concern over North Korea's nuclear ambitions and missile capabilities.