At least 16 people, including women and children, have lost their lives in severe floods triggered by heavy rains in Afghanistan. The floods have wreaked havoc, destroying hundreds of homes and leaving thousands of livestock dead. This information comes from a report by Indian media outlet NDTV on Monday, May 27.

The affected provinces, Baghlan and Badakhshan, have reported significant casualties and extensive damage. Local officials in these regions confirmed that 500 houses were either completely or partially destroyed. In addition to the human toll, the floods have devastated agricultural land, uprooted trees, and damaged infrastructure, including bridges and culverts.

In Baghlan province, the Larkhab area of Doshi district was particularly hard-hit. Baghlan Police Command Chief Abdul Gafur Khadem stated, "Our major casualties occurred in Larkhab area of Doshi district of Baghlan province. In Larkhab, about six people died, including three. The dead included two men with a child, a woman, and more than 300 houses were destroyed in the flood."

The situation in Badakhshan is similarly dire. Mohammad Kamgar, head of natural disaster management in the province, reported that ten members of a single family were killed, with another person injured due to the flooding. The floodwaters have caused widespread destruction, severely impacting the local population's livelihoods and living conditions.

These tragic events underscore the urgent need for emergency relief and support for the affected communities. Local authorities and humanitarian organizations are working to provide immediate assistance and assess the full extent of the damage.