Russia has proposed the removal of Afghanistan's Taliban from its list of terrorist organizations at its largest annual economic forum, according to a report by UK news agency Reuters. The move is seen as part of Russia's ongoing effort to build stronger diplomatic and economic ties with the Taliban-led government in Afghanistan.

The Taliban had long been designated as a terrorist organization by Russia. However, following the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, which came after the withdrawal of US forces, Russia has been gradually normalizing relations with the group.

Both the Russian Foreign Ministry and the Justice Ministry have recommended to President Vladimir Putin that sanctions against the Taliban be lifted. The Moscow Times has reported that Russia is expected to remove the Taliban from its sanctions list soon, following these recommendations.

This step represents a significant shift in Russia's policy and is likely aimed at enhancing cooperation and stability in the region, particularly in light of the strategic and economic interests that Russia holds in Central Asia.

The move comes as part of Russia's broader diplomatic strategy to engage with the current Afghan government and to ensure its influence in the region amidst the shifting geopolitical landscape.