China has deployed several advanced J-20 fighter jets at the Shigatse Air Base, located just 150 kilometers from the Indian border in Sikkim. This strategic move was revealed through satellite images released by the geopolitical analysis firm All Source Analysis, according to a report by the Hindustan Times.

The satellite images, captured on May 27, show the arrival of the sophisticated warplanes at the Chinese air base. Alongside the J-20 fighter jets, the images also depict the presence of several J-10 fighter jets and a KJ-500 airborne early warning and control aircraft. The J-10 and KJ-500 aircraft are regular fixtures at the Shigatse Air Base, but the deployment of the J-20 jets marks a notable escalation.

Prior to the arrival of the J-20s, a cargo plane was observed at the air base, which All Source Analysis believes was used to transport essential equipment and supplies for the newly deployed aircraft.

The J-20 fighter jets are known for their stealth capabilities, making them difficult to detect on radar unless the radar is exceptionally powerful and close in proximity. This advanced technology raises questions about the strategic intentions behind China's deployment of these aircraft so close to the Indian border.

When approached for comments, the Indian Air Force acknowledged their awareness of the situation but refrained from providing any details regarding the deployment of the J-20 jets near Sikkim.

This development adds a new dimension to the already complex military dynamics between China and India, especially in the sensitive border regions. The deployment of advanced stealth fighters underscores the ongoing military build-up and the strategic posturing by China in this contested area.