Veteran actor and BJP leader Mithun Chakraborty encountered an embarrassing situation while casting his vote in the Lok Sabha elections on Saturday. The actor, who has been actively campaigning across Bengal, faced chants of "Chor Chor" (Thief Thief) from Trinamool Congress supporters when he arrived to vote in Belgachia, North Kolkata.

The slogans were raised by individuals accusing Chakraborty of switching loyalties between multiple political parties for personal gain, having been associated with CPM, Trinamool, and now BJP. The incident underscores the intense political rivalry in the region.

Chakraborty, known for his fiery campaign speeches and movie dialogues, attempted to downplay the situation. After voting in the regular queue instead of the VVIP line, he addressed journalists, saying, "There will be no benefit from this unrest. I don't want to make a personal attack on anyone." He also stated his intention to focus on his acting career henceforth, avoiding further political commentary.

The incident occurred in Dutta Bagan, Belgachia, during the seventh and final phase of the elections. The area witnessed a heated contest between BJP's Tapas Roy, a recent defector from Trinamool Congress, and Trinamool's veteran candidate Sudeep Banerjee. Banerjee, who has a strong electoral record, has been a repeated winner in the constituency.

Reacting to the incident, Banerjee commented on Chakraborty's criticism of Mamata Banerjee, the Chief Minister of West Bengal, stating, "It would have been better if we left earlier. Those who come to Bengal should be aware of the power of Mamata Banerjee. Then they can comment. They can touch people's hearts well with proper speech. Insulting Mamata like a clumsy person won't get people's support anyway."

The incident highlights the volatility and high stakes of the electoral battle in West Bengal, where political affiliations and loyalty shifts are hotly contested and scrutinized by both supporters and opponents.