Riyadh, June 16, 2024 — With temperatures soaring to 46 degrees Celsius, Saudi authorities are employing advanced cooling technologies to ensure the safe and comfortable movement of Hajj pilgrims. This initiative aims to mitigate the extreme heat pilgrims face during their journey. 

According to a report by Arab News, the Roads General Authority has implemented a cooling technology on the roads that absorbs heat when exposed to sunlight. This innovative technology is capable of absorbing temperatures up to 70 degrees Celsius, significantly reducing the heat emitted by road surfaces.

Abdul Aziz Al-Otaibi, spokesperson for the Roads General Authority, explained that this cooling technology will also be applied to pavements to further enhance comfort for pilgrims. The technology has been shown to reduce temperatures by 12 to 15 degrees Celsius, making a substantial difference in the sweltering conditions.

Currently, this cooling technology is being used on 25,000 square meters of road near the Namira Mosque, a key location during the Hajj pilgrimage. This deployment is part of a broader effort to leverage technology for the safety and well-being of pilgrims during one of the hottest Hajj seasons on record.

The Saudi authorities' proactive measures reflect their commitment to ensuring the health and safety of the millions of pilgrims who travel to the holy sites each year, especially under the challenging conditions posed by extreme heat.