Guangdong, June 21-  2024 China's flood crisis has escalated, claiming the lives of at least 47 people and leaving many more missing. The southern province of Guangdong has been hit hardest by the relentless heavy rains, floods, and landslides.

The torrential rains have wreaked havoc, washing away houses, roads, and buildings. The collapse of several bridges has severely disrupted the province's communication and transportation systems, leaving many residents stranded in floodwaters. Thousands have been evacuated to safe shelters, and rescue operations are ongoing.

Over half a million people have been affected by this unprecedented disaster. The financial cost of the damage is estimated to be around $650 million. The region experienced the heaviest rainfall from Sunday to Tuesday, triggering severe flooding. 

The country's weather department has forecasted further severe storms, exacerbating concerns about the ongoing crisis. Local authorities and rescue teams continue their efforts to aid those affected and mitigate the impact of this devastating natural disaster.