Tel Aviv, 28 June 2024– Israel witnessed massive protests on Thursday as ultra-Orthodox Jews took to the streets of Tel Aviv to oppose the country's mandatory military conscription law. The protests intensified following the Supreme Court's ruling on Tuesday, mandating ultra-Orthodox Jewish youths to join the military, a decision that has sparked widespread anger and debate.

The protests turned violent as police attempted to disperse the demonstrators. Clashes ensued, reflecting the deep-seated tensions surrounding the controversial law. 

The conscription law has been a contentious issue in Israel for many years. While all Israeli citizens are generally required to serve in the military, ultra-Orthodox, or Haredi, youths have traditionally been exempted, allowing them to focus on religious studies. However, the new law aims to include them in the mandatory military service, creating significant opposition within the ultra-Orthodox community.

The Supreme Court's decision on June 26 to enforce the conscription law has reignited the debate and led to renewed protests. Ultra-Orthodox leaders argue that military service conflicts with their religious values and disrupts their way of life.

The implementation of this law poses a significant challenge for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition government. The ultra-Orthodox parties are crucial allies in his government, and their discontent could lead to increased political instability.

As the protests continue, the Israeli government faces the difficult task of balancing national security needs with the religious freedoms and traditions of the ultra-Orthodox community. The coming days will be crucial in determining whether a compromise can be reached or if the conflict will escalate further.