Lima, Sep 06 (V7N) — Peru is currently grappling with devastating forest fires, particularly in the country's Ancas region. Local authorities report that around 40 acres of forest land have already been destroyed, with fears that the blaze could spread to nearby settlements. Residents have been evacuated, and multiple fire service units are working tirelessly to control the flames.

The fires are believed to have started after locals, dealing with months of severe drought, used fire to clear dry weeds from their farmlands. Strong winds caused the fire to spread uncontrollably into nearby forests, turning it into a catastrophic event. 

Peru has experienced 21 significant fires this year, most of which have been human-induced, highlighting the ongoing challenges the country faces in managing fire risks.

Meanwhile, neighbouring Brazil is also battling large-scale fires. According to Reuters, Brazilian police suspect the fires were deliberately set by individuals involved in illegal logging activities. The environmental crisis continues to worsen in the region as both countries struggle to combat the spread of these blazes.