UNITED NATIONS, Sept 18, V7N - The United Nations General Assembly is set to vote on a resolution that demands Israel end its occupation of Palestinian territories within 12 months. The resolution, which is non-binding, was inspired by an advisory opinion from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) declaring the occupation unlawful under international law. The ICJ opinion called for Israel to terminate its presence in the territories, occupied since 1967, as quickly as possible.

This draft resolution also demands that Israel withdraw its forces, halt the establishment of new settlements, return seized lands, and allow the possibility for displaced Palestinians to return. It also calls on states to cease providing arms to Israel if there's suspicion they could be used in occupied territories.

The resolution has drawn sharp criticism from Israel and its allies. Israel’s UN Ambassador Danny Danon condemned the vote, saying that any support for the resolution would contribute to violence. The United States also criticized the draft, with Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield describing it as inflammatory and counterproductive to peace, emphasizing that it does not take into account Hamas’s control over Gaza.

While the Security Council has faced paralysis on this issue due to veto powers, the General Assembly resolutions, though non-binding, reflect the collective sentiment of member states. Israel has voiced strong opposition, while Palestinian representatives stress the urgency of addressing the occupation and its human toll.