A Launch carrying around 2,000 passengers collided with a stationary cargo vessel in the Meghna River early on Friday morning, leaving one person missing and another injured.

The Sundarban-16 had departed from Dhaka at 9:30 pm on Thursday and was en route to Barisal when it collided with the Mercantile-3 cargo vessel in the early hours of on Fride\y near Ekhlaspur village in Chandpur district.

The collision is believed to have been caused by heavy fog, which reduced visibility in the area.Following the collision, the launch managed to move towards the river's outskirts.One person on board the Launch suffered a leg injury and is receiving medical treatment at Chandpur Sadar Hospital.

Rina Begum, the wife of a military sergeant, is currently missing and the fire department is actively searching for her.The boat and cargo vessel are still secured in Ekhlaspur as a result of the mishap.

The naval police on board the Launch successfully rescued the passengers, and subsequent departures from the same corporation are being arranged to transport the travelers to their intended destinations.Kamruzzaman, the top official in charge of Naval Police in the Chandpur area, said that an investigation into the cause of the collision is underway. "We are still trying to determine the exact cause of the accident," he said. "We will take all necessary action against those responsible."The missing woman's husband, who has not been identified, is urging the authorities to do everything they can to find his wife."I am pleading with the authorities to please do everything they can to find my wife," he said. "She is everything to me."

The Launch collision has highlighted the dangers of traveling on the Meghna River during the winter months, when fog is common.The Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA) has urged passengers to take precautions when traveling on the river during this time of year."We urge passengers to be aware of the dangers of traveling on the river during the winter months," said a BIWTA spokesman. "If you must travel, please make sure to wear a life jacket and follow the instructions of the crew." The search for the missing woman is ongoing.