In Ulipur upazila, Kurigram, a 45-year-old man was electrocuted to death on Friday morning.

Bablu Miah, a native of the upazila's Ramdas Dhaniram Baldipara village, was identified as the deceased.

According to locals, at around ten in the morning on Friday, Bablu went up a tree to trim the branches. He was electrocuted when a branch unintentionally fell on the electrical wire as he was pruning the branches.

Upon hearing the scream, nearby residents discovered Bablu Mia dangling from the tree and notified the fire department.

Firefighters responded quickly after receiving information, recovering the body.

We might have temporarily blocked the transmission line if Bablu Miah had told us before chopping off the tree's branches, according to Chirendranath Roy, AGM of the Ulipur Rural Electricity Office.

According to Golam Mortuja, the Ulipur Police Station's officer-in-charge (OC), an unnatural death (UD) report was made in this regard.

"We permitted to bury the body as there was no complaint from the relatives," said the OC.