Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina expressed profound sorrow over the lack of a fire exit in the multi-storied building that was engulfed by flames on Bailey Road, resulting in the tragic loss of numerous lives.

Speaking at a program commemorating 'National Insurance Day-2024' jointly organized by the Ministry of Finance and the Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA) at the Bangabandhu International Conference Center in the capital, Prime Minister Hasina lamented the absence of a crucial safety feature in the building where the deadly fire occurred.

Addressing the audience, she underscored the importance of adhering to building regulations and urged architects and owners to prioritize safety measures during construction. She emphasized the necessity of incorporating fire exits, open balconies, and proper ventilation systems in building designs to mitigate risks and ensure the safety of occupants.

Expressing profound grief over the loss of 45 lives in the Bailey Road fire incident, Prime Minister Hasina emphasized the government's efforts to promote fire safety and insurance awareness among the public. She highlighted the need for stringent enforcement of fire safety measures, including the installation of fire extinguishers, in all buildings to prevent such tragedies in the future.

Prime Minister Hasina called for swift action to process insurance claims promptly and accurately, urging authorities to facilitate the payment of compensation to the victims' families. She emphasized the importance of fostering awareness about insurance coverage and ensuring transparency in claim settlements to instill confidence in the public.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Hasina inaugurated the bank insurance service, enabling individuals to pay insurance premiums directly from their bank accounts, streamlining the insurance process and enhancing accessibility for policyholders. She commended the collaborative efforts of banks and insurance providers in facilitating this service, which would benefit both parties involved.

In conclusion, Prime Minister Hasina reiterated her government's commitment to advancing the insurance sector through initiatives such as the Bangladesh Insurance Sector Development Project. She emphasized the project's role in promoting professionalism and technological efficiency within the sector, ultimately contributing to its growth and development.

As the nation mourns the tragic loss of lives in the Bailey Road fire, Prime Minister Hasina called for collective efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens, emphasizing the importance of proactive measures to prevent future disasters and safeguard lives and property.