Dhaka, Mar 23 (V7N)– Information and Broadcasting Advisor Md. Mahfuz Alam has stated that the government will take initiatives to create a more journalist-friendly environment by engaging with media owners, editors, and other stakeholders.

Speaking as the chief guest at an event organized by the Bangladesh Journalists Welfare Trust on Saturday, Mahfuz Alam highlighted the financial hardships faced by journalists, particularly in Dhaka city. The program, held at the Information Building in the capital, was aimed at distributing welfare check grants to the families of deceased journalists, as well as those who are sick or financially struggling.

Mahfuz Alam acknowledged the difficult economic conditions for journalists, stating,

"Journalists in Dhaka have to live in inhumane conditions. I have personally tried to do journalism and have seen that salaries are as low as 10,000 to 12,000 taka for sub-editors and newsroom editors. With this income, it is impossible to afford a flat in Dhaka, let alone support a family."

He described the welfare grants provided by the Bangladesh Journalists Welfare Trust as an emergency measure, emphasizing that if journalists received regular salaries and allowances, such grants would not be necessary. He further assured that the government will work to implement the recommendations of the Media Reform Commission regarding journalists' rights and financial security.

As a special guest, Information Secretary Mahbuba Farzana reiterated the government's commitment to journalists' well-being. She emphasized the role of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in supporting the media community and called upon journalists to combat misinformation and propaganda while ensuring objective reporting.

Mahbuz Alam also assured that efforts would be made to expand the scope of the Bangladesh Journalists Welfare Trust to provide better financial and professional support to journalists.