"The press release further points out that the Secretary General's remarks appear to encourage the continuation of the current autocratic government through a blatantly rigged election,

The Commonwealth Secretary General Patricia Scotland's Friday call, according to the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) on Saturday, overlooked several important concerns about the impending absurd election on January 7 and did not accurately reflect the situation in Bangladesh.

In a press statement issued on Friday, the Commonwealth Secretary General (SG) urged all civic and political figures in Bangladesh to support the creation of a "conducive environment for citizens to peacefully exercise their right to vote" on January 7.

The BNP claimed that the call from the SG had taken Bangladesh's democracy-loving populace, who had been denied their rights for over a decade by the regime, by surprise.

In a news release signed by its Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi, the party stated, "We believe her statement contradicts the desires and aspirations of the pro-democracy Bangladeshis who have been striving for a free, fair, inclusive, and credible election for more than a decade."

BNP added, "The major pro-democracy political parties in Bangladesh are boycotting the upcoming election, and the SG Scotland needs to be aware of this." The only candidates forced to run in the election are dummy/independent candidates selected by the ruling party and phoney opposition groups endorsed by the ruling party. There is no friendly atmosphere and fair play since the election outcome is already predetermined and the public has no viable options from among legitimate competitors.

Additionally, it asserted that over 27,000 opposition dissidents, including the secretary general of the BNP and other of its leading figures, were imprisoned on false pretences. Many people have died, been tortured, and been killed while under police custody.

"The people of Bangladesh recognise the Commonwealth's dedication to freedom of expression, democracy, and human rights. The party stated in a news release that "the people expect the SG to play a proactive role for realisation of the people's right to vote under a neutral government and administration if she truly wants to echo the sentiments of the people of Bangladesh, as she mentioned in her statement.

"The press release further points out that the Secretary General's remarks appear to encourage the continuation of the current autocratic government through a blatantly rigged election, which is in opposition to the aspirations of the Bangladeshi people for the restoration of democracy through a legitimate, inclusive, and credible election.

"We anticipate that SG Scotland is aware that civil society, political parties, and pro-democracy activists want the Commonwealth to support the people of Bangladesh rather than the country's despotic government. It states, "The support of the Commonwealth will be highly appreciated as the people of Bangladesh strive for the restoration of their fundamental liberties and voting rights."