The Indian Border Security Force (BSF) is said to have shot and killed two Bangladeshis near the Tetulia border in Panchagarh. The event happened early on Wednesday, May 8, on the edge of the district's Tentulia upazila, in the Khoikhatpara region.
Following the event, the two men's bodies were dragged across the border by the BSF and retrieved by the Indian police. The deceased are Yasin Ali, a 23-year-old son of Ketab Ali of Tirnihat Bramtol village, and Jalil, a 24-year-old son of Junu Mia of Magura village in Tetulia upazila.
The Tentulia Model Police Station's Officer-in-Charge (OC), Sujoy Kumar, verified the information. He said that BGB had alerted him to the situation. But initially, it was assumed that the two young people were engaged in cattle smuggling.
Nevertheless, the cell phone was not received despite repeated attempts to reach the Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) to inquire about the situation.