Finance Minister AH Mahmood Ali, in his budget speech today, outlined the government's plans to ensure compliance in 1550 factories within the ready-made garment (RMG) sector during fiscal year 2024-25 (FY25), aiming to establish a conducive work environment.

Presenting the national budget for FY 2024-25 in the Jatiya Sangsad, Ali emphasized the importance of creating a decent work environment and improving workers' living standards. To achieve this, efforts are underway to create a database by including information from 300,000 workers in the first phase through a software called the 'Labor Information Management System (LIMS)'.

Additionally, the government has set targets to provide free primary healthcare services to 376,000 workers and recreational services to 455,000 workers. Furthermore, in line with efforts to protect workers' fundamental rights, a target has been set to provide training to 49,500 workers. These initiatives aim to enhance overall welfare and uplift the quality of life for workers in the RMG sector.