Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner Habibur Rahman declared Bangladesh a role model in eliminating militancy.

Speaking after paying tribute to the Holey Artisan attack victims in Gulshan on Monday, he credited the strong efforts of the police, RAB, and other units for the country's success.

Rahman noted that unlike other countries, Bangladesh has managed to prevent militant attacks through intelligence and pre-emptive actions.

He emphasized the need for societal and media support alongside law enforcement to curb militancy.

The eighth anniversary of the Holey Artisan Bakery attack, which claimed 22 lives, is being commemorated on Monday with diplomats scheduled to pay tribute to the victims.

The attack, carried out by five militants on July 1, 2016, resulted in the deaths of 22 people, including 17 foreigners and two police officers. The siege ended when army commandos stormed the restaurant and killed the attackers.