Dhaka, August 25 — In the wake of severe flooding, the entire country has come together to support the affected communities, showcasing a new spirit of unity in Bangladesh. The students of Jagannath University are no exception, as they dedicate their time and effort to aid those impacted by the disaster.

One student shared, "I didn’t go back to my dormitory after morning tutoring. I felt compelled to do something productive instead of just sitting around." Another student expressed a sense of national solidarity, stating, "It feels like all of Bangladesh has become a family. Everyone is stepping up to help the flood victims."

The university students have organized themselves into several groups to maximize their efforts. Some are canvassing the neighborhoods of Old Dhaka, collecting donations and relief materials. Others are busy sorting and preparing these items, while another group is actively delivering them to the flood-stricken areas.

A student remarked, "There is a new kind of competition in the country now—an 'honest competition.' If we can sustain this spirit, our country will progress far beyond others."

Volunteers have identified clean drinking water, water purification tablets, children's food, and clothing as the most urgently needed items. However, they have also reported that some unethical traders are exploiting the situation by hiking prices. "Water purification tablets that cost 80 to 120 taka yesterday are being sold for 500 taka today," a student complained, calling for action against such profiteering.

In response to the ongoing crisis, the 'Jagannath University Band Music Association' has announced a charity concert to be held next Tuesday, August 27, to raise funds for flood relief.