Dhaka, Sep 20 (V7N) – Eggs are being sold at Tk23 more per dozen in the city's kitchen markets than the rate fixed by the government on September 15. The government set the price of each egg at Tk11.87, bringing the total to Tk142.44 per dozen, but market visits revealed that eggs are being sold for Tk165 per dozen.

According to the Department of Agricultural Marketing's recent price regulation, broiler chicken should cost Tk179.59 per kg, while Sonali chicken is set at Tk269 per kg. However, actual prices are exceeding these limits, with broiler chicken being sold at Tk180 per kg and Sonali chicken at Tk280 per kg.

Wholesale egg trader Mohammad Liton at Karwan Bazar explained that retailers are unable to purchase eggs at the government’s fixed rate. "We are selling eggs wholesale at Tk155 per dozen, and as retailers can't match the fixed price, they are forced to increase the rates," Liton said.

In a letter signed by Mohammad Reazul Haque, Director General of the Department of Livestock Services, the government asserted that the prices for eggs and chickens were set fairly after consulting with poultry industry representatives. However, traders attribute the recent price hike to flooding, heavy rainfall, and weekend demand, which they claim has disrupted supply.

Despite an estimated daily egg production of 4.5 crore pieces compared to a demand of 4 crore, production costs have driven prices higher. Poultry Association President Sumon Hawlader pointed to the high costs in the livestock and feed sectors as a key factor. “We will take legal action against feed traders for charging exorbitant rates,” he said. Hawlader emphasized the need to reduce production costs, citing that it costs Tk7.5 to produce an egg in Bangladesh compared to Tk5.5 in India.

Although the Department of Agricultural Marketing set egg prices, they lack enforcement power to compel traders to comply, leaving price regulation under the jurisdiction of the judicial magistrate.

Consumers, such as Mohammad Munna, are feeling the squeeze. “The market is still unstable. With a Tk20,000 salary, it’s hard to manage a family of five when Tk5,000 is left after rent,” Munna lamented.

Abdul Jabbar Mondal, Assistant Director of the Directorate of National Consumers' Right Protection, monitored kitchen markets earlier this week. “We saw traders making Tk1 profit per egg. They lowered the price in our presence, and we will investigate why dealers have raised the prices,” he stated.