Dhaka, Sep 27 (V7N): Heavy rainfall expected over the next 24 hours could lead to flooding in the low-lying areas of Lalmonirhat, Nilphamari, Rangpur, and Kurigram, including char regions, according to a warning issued by the Bangladesh Water Development Board (BWDB) on Friday.

Sardar Udar Rahman, Executive Engineer of the BWDB, stated that while all major rivers are currently flowing below danger levels due to nationwide rainfall and low pressure in the Bay of Bengal, flooding remains a possibility within the next 24 hours.

In the Rangpur Division, the water levels of the Teesta and Dharla rivers are increasing, while the Dudhkumar River remains stable, flowing below the danger mark. Weather officials predict extremely heavy rainfall (up to 289 mm in 24 hours) in the Rangpur division and adjacent upstream areas. This could cause rapid rises in the water levels of the Teesta, Dharla, and Dudhkumar rivers over the next 24 hours, before stabilizing for a day and then receding.

As a result, the Teesta River's water levels may reach warning levels in Lalmonirhat, Nilphamari, Rangpur, and Kurigram within the next day. Some char regions and low-lying areas in these districts could be flooded. However, the Dharla and Dudhkumar rivers in Kurigram are expected to remain below the danger level for the next three days.

Other rivers in the Rangpur Division, such as the Upper Korotoa, Upper Atrai, Tangon, Punorbhaba, Ichamati-Jamuna, and Jamuneshwari, are also experiencing rising water levels but are expected to stay below danger levels. The Brahmaputra and Jamuna rivers are similarly rising but will remain below the danger mark, with stable water levels forecasted for the next five days.

In the Rajshahi Division, the Ganges River's water level is declining, while the Padma River downstream remains stable and below the danger mark. A gradual decrease in the Ganges and Padma rivers is expected over the next two days, followed by stability and then a slight increase, though still below danger levels.

In Sylhet Division, the Surma and Kushiara rivers are rising but are not at risk of flooding. Other rivers in the division, including the Manu, Khowai, and Dhalai, are seeing falling water levels, while the Sameshwari and Bhugai rivers are rising, with stable levels in the Sarigoin and Kangsha rivers.

Chittagong Division’s rivers, including the Muhuri, Feni, Sangu, Matamuhuri, and Gomti, are seeing a decrease in water levels. Rainfall in this division is expected to remain light (44-88 mm in 24 hours) over the next three days, with continued drops in river levels likely.

Meanwhile, the Bangladesh Meteorological Department has reported no low-pressure systems in the Bay of Bengal, meaning normal tidal conditions are expected in the coastal rivers of Barishal and Khulna divisions over the next three days.