The deep depression formed in the Bay of Bengal has developed into Cyclone 'Remal'. As a result, the Meteorological Department has issued a danger signal number 10 at Mongla seaport. Consequently, the port authority has issued its own alert, designated as alert number 'three'. All commercial vessels anchored at the port, along with cargo loading and transportation operations, have been completely suspended by the port authorities.
Rear Admiral Shahin Rahman, Chairman of the Mongla Port Authority, announced on Saturday night, that the loading and unloading of goods from six foreign commercial vessels anchored in the jetty and animal channel of Mongla Port have been halted, and all these ships have been instructed to remain safely anchored. Moreover, all operational activities of the port authority have been suspended until further notice. Relevant personnel have been advised to remain vigilant in dealing with the cyclone in the control room established at the port.
In response to the issuance of danger signal number 7, the Upazila administration has begun taking effective measures. Nishat Tamanna, Upazila Nirbahi Officer of Mongla, stated that 103 shelters have already been opened, and 1,320 volunteers have initiated their activities. Adequate dry food has been prepared. However, until 10 p.m., no one has taken shelter in any shelter. Additionally, two control rooms have been opened separately in the Upazila and Municipality.
Ajaad Kabir, a responsible official of the Department of Forestry and Wildlife Reproduction Center and Tourism Center of the East Sundarbans Division, mentioned that after the issuance of danger signal number 7, all staff and forest guards have been safely accommodated at each station with their responsibilities assigned. The wildlife in the Forest and Wildlife Reproduction Center has also been safely relocated.

Cyclone 'Remal' Alerts Mongla Port

The deep depression formed in the Bay of Bengal is currently located 475 kilometers south of Mongla port. It is expected to take the form of cyclone 'Remal' suddenly on Saturday night. The Meteorological Department has announced that this 'Remal' cyclone will strike the Sundarbans region on Sunday evening.

Harun ur Rashid, in-charge of the Mongla Meteorological Office, stated that the current position indicates the possibility of the cyclone's center crossing over Bangladesh. However, there is a higher possibility of the cyclone striking the Sundarbans area and the districts of Patuakhali, Borguna, and Bhola.

Due to the impact of cyclone 'Remal', Mongla seaport has issued a danger signal number three. The authorities of Mongla seaport have taken all precautionary measures in response to cyclone 'Remal'. In coordination with the Coast Guard, Navy, and Upazila Administration, an emergency meeting was held at the Mongla port authority's conference room on Saturday afternoon.

Saifur Rahman, Harbor Master Commander of the port, mentioned that currently, six ships carrying cement clinker, fertilizer, stones, and gas are stationed at Mongla port. They have been advised to anchor safely. However, the loading and unloading operations of these ships have not been suspended yet. Measures will be taken according to the situation if the signal increases. Additionally, a control room has also been set up at the port.

On the other hand, the Upazila administration has also taken all necessary precautions to tackle cyclone 'Remal'. Upazila Nirbahi Officer Nishat Tamanna stated that 103 shelters, along with 1,320 volunteers, have been prepared. Our activities will be expedited as soon as the cyclone signal is raised by the Meteorological Office. A control room has also been established.