Kalapara, Sep 14 (V7N) - Kalapara, Patuakhali has been experiencing moderate to heavy rainfall for the past three days, caused by a deep depression over the Bay of Bengal. According to the local weather office, 60 millimeters of rain were recorded over the last 24 hours, from 9 AM yesterday to 9 AM today. The continuous downpour has severely disrupted daily life, with many areas suffering from waterlogging. Aman paddy fields are now submerged, leaving farmers deeply worried.
The Bay of Bengal near Kuakata has also become rough due to the depression. Fishermen have stopped fishing and taken refuge with their trawlers at various points, including the Mohipur and Alipur landing stations.
The water level in rivers has risen, and wind speeds have intensified beyond normal levels. In anticipation of stormy conditions along the coast, the meteorological department has issued local cautionary signal No. 3 for Payra and other seaports. All fishing trawlers have been advised to stay in safe harbor until further notice.