A clash broke out between two groups in the Rohingya camp in Ukhiya, Cox's Bazar, over dominance. A Rohingya teenager was seriously injured in the incident and later died while undergoing treatment at Cox's Bazar District Sadar Hospital.
He passed away around 10:15 PM on Wednesday, May 22, at the Cox's Bazar District Sadar Hospital. The body has been recovered and sent to Cox's Bazar Sadar Hospital for an autopsy. The deceased has been identified as Md. Shafiq, son of Md. Siddiq from Block E-1 of Camp 4 in Ukhiya.
The authenticity of the incident has been confirmed by Superintendent of Police (SP) Arifin Jewel, commander of the 14 Armed Police Battalion.
Citing local sources, he mentioned that several armed groups are active in the Rohingya camp over the issue of dominance. On Wednesday morning, 25-30 armed members led by RSO commander Md. Harun, also known as Muichcha Harun, conducted a show of force in Blocks E and F of Camp 4 in Ukhiya. This incited 200-300 ordinary Rohingyas to attack the residence of RSO leader Md. Rafiq in the same camp.
During the incident, RSO members fired indiscriminately at the attacking ordinary Rohingyas, injuring seven people. The injured were later rescued by locals and admitted to Gonoshasthaya Hospital in Camp 3.
At the same time, agitated Rohingyas assaulted Md. Shafiq, son of Md. Siddiq from Block E-1 of Camp 4, suspecting him to be an RSO member. When his mother, Nur Bahar, tried to rescue him, she was also attacked. The injured were later rescued by locals and taken to MSF Hospital in Kutupalong.