Dhaka, Sep 18 (V7N): At least 43 notorious criminals and militants have been released on bail since the fall of the Hasina-led government on August 5, according to Brig Gen Syed Muhammad Motahar Hussain, Inspector General of Prisons.

Motahar Hussain revealed that since July 19, 17 jails were attacked, resulting in the escape of over 2,000 inmates. Among the escapees, more than 900, including 70 militants, remain at large. During the attacks, 94 firearms were stolen from the prisons, of which 65 have been recovered. The IG prisons mentioned that cases have been filed regarding the incidents, and law enforcement agencies are working to track down the attackers through evidence analysis.

The attacks left 282 prison staff injured, with many still undergoing treatment. The inspector general also highlighted ongoing efforts to reform the prison system and modernize inmate management.

In a related development, numerous former lawmakers and ministers from the ousted Awami League government have been arrested for their involvement in the violence during the student-led mass uprising in July and August. Of the 37 high-profile prisoners, nine have been granted division status, while the rest are under review.

Additionally, charges against individuals in around 650 cases linked to violence and cybercrimes from the same period have been dropped, with over 15,000 detainees receiving bail.

Currently, the prison system is operating at a capacity of 50,000 inmates, though it is designed for 42,000. Efforts are also underway to address complaints about irregularities and narcotics trades inside prisons, with new measures like dope tests for prison staff being introduced.