Khagrachari, Oct 14 (V7N) — The grand celebration of Durga Puja , the largest religious festival for Hindus, ended in Khagrachari with the ceremonial immersion of idols in the Chengi River . In a heartfelt farewell, devotees prayed for the destruction of evil forces and for peace and harmony to prevail in the world.

The festival, which began with joyous rituals on Mahashasthi , concluded after five days of worship and festivities. Devotees bid an emotional farewell to Goddess Durga in a long procession that ended at the riverbank on Sunday.

After the Mahanavami Puja on Saturday, the symbolic farewell was given to Devi Durga , who is believed to return to her celestial abode at Kailash . The actual idol immersion took place on Sunday, when devotees gathered at the Chengi River, their hearts heavy with sorrow as they parted with the goddess.

As the idols were immersed in the water, the devotees' prayers were filled with hope for peace, the destruction of evil, and the triumph of goodness. For many, Durga Puja represents the goddess's arrival as a daughter to the mortal world, and her departure is marked by deep emotion and reverence.

To ensure a smooth and safe immersion, security measures were heightened with the presence of the army , police , and RAB (Rapid Action Battalion) personnel. Their vigilant efforts helped maintain order as the long processions made their way to the Chengi River for the final ritual. The immersion was peaceful, with law enforcement ensuring the safety of all participants.

This year's Durga Puja in Khagrachari ended on a poignant note, with devotees expressing their devotion and longing for the return of the goddess in the following year.