The devastating impact of Cyclone Remal has left Trishna Rani, a housewife from Kalapara Municipality in Patuakhali, homeless and struggling to survive. With her home destroyed and no means to rebuild, she faces an uncertain future with her two children and ailing husband.
Kalapara June 9,(V7N)- The roof of her house was blown away during the storm. All their belongings were destroyed. Now, when it rains, there is no way to avoid getting wet. What else can she do? She has to live here with her children. 
When she has the money, she will fix the house. These were the words of Trishna Rani, a housewife affected by Cyclone Remal. Her home is in the Fire Service adjacent area of Kalapara Municipality in Patuakhali. She has two sons and a husband suffering from an incurable disease.
She is a voluntary member of CPP (Cyclone Preparedness Program). Currently bedridden, seeing the moonlit night sky is no longer a luxury for them. However, this family lives in silent tears.
Affected housewife Trishna Rani said that her husband, Khokon Gain, has been unemployed for a decade due to an incurable disease.
The family lives on the money she earns from tutoring a few children. Since Cyclone Sidr, their house has been destroyed by storms four times. This time, Cyclone Remal has shattered their last shelter. Now, she has no money to repair the house. She is at a loss on how to rebuild it. So, she is trying to provide a cover over their heads by herself.
Affected housewife Trishna Rani’s ailing husband, Khokon Gain, said, “I am a sick man. I cannot work. I don’t know how we will rebuild this house.”
According to the Upazila administration, Cyclone Remal completely destroyed 1,671 houses and partially damaged 26,009 houses in the Upazila. The number of affected people in the Upazila is approximately 75,000. Relief is being provided to these affected people by the local administration and public representatives.
The Upazila Project Implementation Officer, Md. Humayun Kabir, told journalists that tin and other materials for house construction are allocated by the Ministry of Disaster Management for the affected, and they will be delivered to their doorsteps soon.