Kolkata's film industry witnessed a prolonged period of remakes from the late nineties to 2015, where commercial productions often borrowed storylines from other industries. Reflecting on this era, Kolkata superstar Dev shared insights into the transition from remakes to original content during an event.

Dev, a prominent figure in Kolkata cinema, candidly remarked, "We became remake superstars," highlighting the dominance of remakes in the industry. Speaking on his journey, Dev unveiled his political philosophy in an interview centered on the Lok Sabha polls, shedding light on his dual role as both an actor and producer.

Addressing the shift towards producing original content, Dev revealed his motivation, stating, "I thought the era of remakes was over." Recognizing the evolving preferences of the audience, Dev emphasized the need to embrace original storytelling, a departure from the formulaic remakes that once dominated Kolkata cinema.

Dev's transition to producing original content was met with challenges, as he navigated the industry's reliance on remakes. However, films like "Tonic," "Prajapati," "Pradhan," "Champ," and "Cockpit" underscored his commitment to pioneering fresh narratives, resonating with audiences and achieving success at the box office.

Reflecting on the changing landscape of commercial cinema, Dev acknowledged the evolving tastes of the audience, stating, "Their tests have also changed." The era of frame-to-frame remakes from South India gradually waned, with audiences gravitating towards diverse and original storytelling.

While remakes once propelled Kolkata's commercial cinema, the advent of the internet and globalization ushered in a new era where South Indian movies gained instant accessibility. Consequently, the allure of remakes diminished, marking a pivotal shift in Kolkata's cinematic landscape towards originality and innovation.

Dev's journey from "remake superstar" to championing original content exemplifies the evolving dynamics of Kolkata's film industry, heralding a new era of creativity and diversity in storytelling. As audiences embrace fresh narratives, Dev's legacy continues to evolve, leaving an indelible mark on Kolkata cinema.