The Director General (DG) of Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), M Khurshid Hossain, assured the public of heightened security measures and readiness to counter any potential threats during the Bengali New Year celebrations. Speaking to reporters after inspecting the security arrangements at Ramna Botmul in the capital on Saturday, DG Khurshid Hossain emphasized RAB's commitment to ensuring a safe and festive atmosphere for all.

While affirming that there is currently no specific information regarding any attack or sabotage around the Pahela Boishakh celebration, DG Khurshid Hossain underscored the preparedness of RAB's special commando team to address any such incidents swiftly and effectively. Additionally, he highlighted the deployment of plainclothes personnel for patrolling and surveillance to prevent subversive activities.

DG Khurshid Hossain reiterated that all law enforcement agencies, including RAB, remain on high alert nationwide, including in the capital, to facilitate the smooth conduct of the festival. In line with previous years, RAB has intensified intelligence surveillance and increased security measures across the country for the duration of the New Year celebrations.

Emphasizing specific areas of focus, DG Khurshid Hossain mentioned that RAB battalions have bolstered security and patrols in key locations such as TSC Shahbagh, Suhrawardy Udyan, Hatirjheel, Ramna Botmul, and Purbachal 300 feet. Additionally, RAB's detective team continues to conduct comprehensive surveillance to preempt any potential threats.

Regarding online security, DG Khurshid Hossain affirmed RAB's continuous monitoring of the cyber world to prevent the dissemination of rumors or incendiary information in the virtual sphere.

In response to concerns about public safety, DG Khurshid Hossain assured that RAB would take necessary measures, including deploying mobile courts, to prevent eve-teasing or harassment at various venues. He urged victims of such incidents to inform RAB members promptly, ensuring swift legal action against offenders.

With a firm commitment to maintaining public safety and order, RAB remains vigilant and actively monitors the overall situation from its headquarters to facilitate a joyous and peaceful celebration of Pahela Boishakh.