"Our greatest strength is our enormous population; despite our small size, we are a sovereign and independent nation that will move independently:" PM 

Continuing the development trend, reining in price increases, and boosting the purchasing power of the populace are the main goals of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's new government, she stated on Saturday.

This was stated by the prime minister during a post-election goodwill exchange meeting held at the Awami League office here with leaders and activists of her own constituency, Gopalganj-3 in Tungipara.

"I don't see any significant issues in rural areas, but the cost of goods is suffering more for those with low incomes and those living in Dhaka city," she said.

There is an abundance of food available in the market, according to Hasina, who is also the leader of the ruling Awami League.

"However, it appears that some are harassing people by purposefully raising the cost of necessities." For this, we must appropriately expand our monitoring. We must boost output," she remarked.

She said that the US and UK's strike on the Houthis in Yemen would deal another shock to the world economy.

She said there was still a plot against her government.

There are two sections to this conspiracy. The murderers or those who carried out their crimes, war criminals whose trials were guaranteed, are in one group and are forming a plot. She added, "There is another one from the world level.

According to the prime minister, 90 percent of the population is Muslim.
Additionally, I'm a woman. I am a woman in power five times, and not being accepted by many countries," she remarked.

PM said that due to the geographical position many countries have their evil eyes on Bangladesh.

She declared that she would not permit anyone to launch terrorist attacks on any other nation while she was seated in Bangladesh.

"Our greatest strength is our enormous population; despite our small size, we are a sovereign and independent nation that will move independently."

She claimed there was a plot in place to keep her from gaining authority once more.
"To play with this country, they will place (in power) anyone who will be under their extreme control." Through the election, the people of the responded appropriately to that, she remarked.

She said that the BNP's decision to abstain from the election was understandable.

It was recognised. Their leader is where? They don't have a leader. However, BNP sought to sabotage the election," she said. She brought up the BNP's arson terrorism in this context.

The prime minister brought up the horrible incidents of trains being set on fire, which resulted in the lives of innocent people.

PM Hasina emphasised that the new government had to move with utmost care in the coming days.

In response to the BNP's criticism of her hasty cabinet creation, she questioned what may have been the rationale for a longer cabinet formation period.

"We never second-guess our decision-making. We were aware that an election will take place; it was scheduled. "Why should we take our time? Why will I waste time?," she questioned.

She stated that to maintain the nation's rapid progress, she wished to use every day.

She begged everyone's forgiveness for daring to oppose plots of all kinds to carry on the nation's ongoing growth and realise Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's aim of creating a Golden Bengal free from starvation and Poverty.