Dhaka, Sep 26 (V7N) Jamaat-e-Islami Ameer, Dr. Shafiqur Rahman, emphasized that the party’s main goal is the establishment of humanity and securing people’s rights. He stated, "We do not consider anyone foolish; rather, individuals are capable of choosing their own path after receiving guidance. Allah is the true judge of people's actions."

Speaking as the chief guest at an exchange meeting with prominent figures from the Greater Kafrul area, organized by Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami Dhaka Metropolitan North, Dr. Rahman urged all sectors of society to unite for the cause of humanity, avoiding fragmentation. The meeting was held in Kafrul, Dhaka, on Thursday.

"It is the responsibility of each person to strive to change their fate through their actions," he remarked, calling on people to remain united beyond political or ideological differences to give significance to the victory of August 5.

Dr. Shafiqur Rahman reiterated Jamaat’s commitment to upholding the dignity of people, stressing that the party aims to foster unity for the sake of both the nation and its people, regardless of political affiliation or religion. "To drive the country and the nation forward, a broader national unity is essential. A divided nation cannot advance."

He added that division only leads to humiliation and disgrace, which the nation has endured for too long. "The time for change has come. We must break free from the limitations of the past. A stagnant individual burdens not only themselves but also their family and society."

Dr. Rahman concluded by saying that the well-being of the people is the core principle of Jamaat’s politics. The party’s leaders and activists remain dedicated to working for the welfare of the nation.