The Bangladesh Nationalist Party BNP voiced concerns on Sunday about the drawn-out court processes surrounding the Pilkhana mutiny case.

Early in the morning, a BNP delegation, headed by member of the standing committee Abdul Moyeen Khan, visited the Banani Military Graveyard to pay respects to the mutiny victims.

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What is the current state of the ruling in the Pilkhana tragedy case, as we have heard about it? Has the ruling been appealed? If so, why hasn't the hearing been finished in the past fifteen years? Moreover, in 2011 there was another explosive lawsuit filed. "Why is the case trial still ongoing?" he asked.

"Today, we will simply make one statement: every Bangladeshi citizen should have access to justice via the rule of law and effective government. That's what we anticipate.

During the three-day "BDR Week" on February 25, 2009, several hundred soldiers from the Bangladesh Rifles (now the BGB) attempted an armed uprising in the force's Pilkhana headquarters, the Darbar Hall.

The massacre that started on this day claimed the lives of 74 persons in all, including 57 officers of the Army.

After negotiations between the then-government and the BDR rebels, the mutiny was ultimately put an end to the next day, February 26, with the surrender of weapons, ammunition, and grenades.
