A Dhaka court has granted bail to BNP Vice Chairman and former minister Major (retd) Hafizuddin Ahmed in a case filed with Gulshan police station.

Dhaka Metropolitan Sessions Judge Ash Shams Jaglul Hossain passed the order on Sunday.

Defense lawyer Md Aminul Islam Firoz stated: "On Tuesday, Major (retd) Hafiz surrendered to the Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate's Court and sought bail in the case. The court rejected his bail plea and sent him to jail. Later we filed a criminal appeal against the order in the Metropolitan Sessions Judge's Court. After the hearing, the court granted his bail application. There is no bar to Major Hafiz's release from jail as he has been granted bail in this case."

On Tuesday, Major (retd) Hafiz surrendered to Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Rajesh Chowdhury Court and applied for bail. However, the court rejected the bail petition and sent him to jail.

On December 28, 2023, the same court sentenced him to 21 months in prison on separate charges.

According to case files, on June 4, 2011, the accused attacked and obstructed the police's work on the road in Mohakhali under the Gulshan police station. They vandalized and set fire to cars passing on the road.

After an investigation, Gulshan police station Sub-Inspector Kamrul Hasan Talukdar filed a chargesheet in the court on April 29, 2014. Later, on April 25, 2022, charges were framed against the accused.