Zahid Farooq, a candidate from the ruling Awami League party and the current State Minister for Water Resources, declared a win in the parliamentary elections held in Barisal-5. He achieved a significant advantage over his rival, an independent candidate. The unofficial results of the election were announced by the returning officer, Shahidul Islam, late on Sunday night. The outcome was a clear victory for Farooq. Farooq received 97,706 votes under the symbol of the Awami League's boat, while Salah Uddin, his nearest rival, obtained 35,370 votes under the symbol of an independent Ripon truck. Farooq emerged as the clear winner by a significant lead of 62,336 votes.
In a tough fight, Farooq has once again clinched victory in the Barisal-5 constituency, maintaining his grip on the seat that he won for the first time in 2018. His followers burst into applause, rejoicing his accomplishment and expertise in managing the area's water resource difficulties. Even though Uddin accepted his loss, he expressed gratitude to those who voted for him and emphasized the significance of engaging in the democratic system.
Farooq's win contributes another element to the intricate image of Bangladesh's political scenario. The slim difference signifies the various opinions in the voting population and the importance of each individual's vote. After the commotion ends, both the winners and losers will surely shift their focus to the future of Barisal-5 and its requirements for progress.